
The veto response to Congress?

"This is a prescription for chaos and confusion and we must not impose it on our troops," Bush.

Riiiiight. That chore is reserved to the executive branch.

"Our troops and their families deserve better, and their elected leaders can do better," Bush said.

They do, and our elected president still isn't delivering.

"House Republicans will oppose any bill that includes provisions that undermine our troops and their mission, whether it's benchmarks for failure, arbitrary readiness standards or a timetable for American surrender," said Minority Leader John Boehner (news, bio, voting record), R-Ohio.

There is a constant trend in the GOP to refer to leaving Iraq as surrender and/or failure. It's as if they truly think that this is a winnable effort.

I've commented before that this entire conflict has the same concept of our actions in the late 1700's. The Continental Army was facing a well-provisioned, tactically sound, superior force. Luckily, our leaders used our land and a new plan to help us succeed. Essentially, the original patriots, fighting against the British, used the same tactics we're seeing in Iraq. Never stand and fight toe-to-toe. Take your shots and back away. Make them chase you. Attack when and where they least expect it.

These are tactics that are sound, and historically, they are successful. They are being used by people who want us and our influence out of their land.

Now, we're playing the part of the Redcoats. We've got the best weapons money can buy for the best troops active in the world. And they're fighting an organized campaign against guerrilla warfare. Fighting against men, women and children who do not care if they live or die while fighting Americans. One man with one bomb will give his life to kill any number of others, soldier or fellow Iraqi, innocent bystander or not.

I support these men and women. I truly believe that we all do.

But they cannot win.

We cannot possibly know who is and is not a terrorist. We cannot possibly track them all, at any time, wherever they may go. That said, how can you fight a war against terrorists? How can you believe that capturing or killing the leaders is a stoppage to their efforts? How long can this go on until these groups unify and take the battle to our soil again?

We should be using the best troops and the best weapons to defend our own borders. They should be home protecting us and ensuring there is no repeat of 9/11, not losing their lives in a vain battle that can never be won. The longer this continues, the less likely we are to see an end. Am I the only one who sees it this way? Why doesn't anyone ever bring this up?

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