
Elder and lack-of Sensenbrenner...

Larry and Jim...it's like Tucker Carlson has friends...

Writing for the Jewish World Review, Larry Elder goes on to yammer about the topic of global warming, supposely in answer to fan mail of some sort.

Beginning first by pointing out, correctly, that the scientific community as a whole is still not completely sold on global warming, he then goes on to provide every possible excuse not to do anything about it anyway.

Starting with the general expense, based off of the reader's thought that "if the scientists are wrong, the worst case comes down to a few lost bucks," Elder points out that we would be courting economic collapse: "lots of lost bucks, retarded economic growth, lost jobs and weakened worker pensions, all while making nations, especially Third World countries, less prosperous."

This goes further to include a widening of the gap between rich and poor, countries becoming less financially stable, all leading to a breakdown in political stability. This assertion, of course, ties directly to a bump in Islamofacists, one of Elder's favorite phrases. I'm now starting to see that this whole global warming thing is tied to an increase in terrorist activities.

Additionally, according to Elder, the Kyoto Accords are worthless. Since India and China, with their advanced population and addition to CO2 production, are not on board, any benefits gained by the efforts of the signees are lost. So, why bother to make an effort ourselves?

In another piece, Global Warming Makes People Gay (which is tongue-in-cheek, thankfully), he follows the same tack: there's not enough proof, it costs too much, China and India aren't doing it, so ignore it and move on.

Sadly, it's even questioned in our own neighborhood by Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner on The Hill, taken from the AP:

"I will have many questions about why global warming has suddenly become an issue of national defense," Sensenbrenner said. Later in the hearing he complained that alarmism over climate change is unnecessarily frightening America's children.

Alarmism... Unnecessary panic... Would this be like showing a heat index next to the terror alert level?

Admittedly, here in Wisconsin, where we have the possibility of snowfall on 9 months of the year, global waming could be a novel concept. Imagine what it'd be like at a Packers game in late December where it's only 40 degrees... Or a January with negligible snowfall, a record number of days above 30 degrees, and never hitting a lower temp than 19 degrees... (Thanks to NOAA)

Too bad that happened this past winter. Not to say that it's evidence of global warming, but it's an idea of what a global warming trend will bring. Expound that around the globe, run it along for several years, and you can end up with a hell of a mess. Elder's idea of a breakdown in financial stability degrading into chaos would be a reality. We're looking at a worse-case scenario, but it's one that can potentialy be avoided.

Inaction? That's a threat to national security if there ever was one...

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